Our team participates in the organization and holding of the 4th Troitsky School of Advanced Training of Physics Teachers

Our team participates in the organization and conduct of the traditional scientific and educational event-the 4th Troitsky School of Advanced Training of Physics Teachers “Actual Problems of Physics and Astronomy: integration of Science and Education”. The conference program provides overview lectures by leading world-class scientists on topical issues of modern natural science with reference to the relevant subject courses (physics, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics, biology) with practical illustrations of lectures in the leading laboratories of the Troitsky Research Institutes. According to the results of the work, the participants of the school receive certificates of advanced training of the state standard according to the programs of additional professional education developed by the Moscow State University.
In 2020, the event is held with the support of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the format of lectures by leading scientists for school teachers participating in the project “Basic Schools of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, initiated by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The goal of the project is to create the most favorable conditions for the identification and training of talented children, their orientation towards building a successful career in the field of science and high technologies, which will serve to develop the intellectual potential of the regions and the country as a whole. Detailed information about the project is available at: https://edu.gov.ru/activity/main_activities/ran_schools
Permanent web address of the conference: http://edu.troitsk.ru