Opening of the exhibition in MPGU
On September 3, 2024, a solemn opening of the exhibition “No Barriers to Human Thought: MPGU and Academic Science” took place in the main building of MPGU
On September 3, 2024, a solemn opening of the exhibition “No Barriers to Human Thought: MPGU and Academic Science” took place in the main building of MPGU
On September 2, the opening of a new school took place in Troitsk
From August 28 to 29, a strategic session titled “Cold – Resource, Security – Development” took place in Yakutsk. The session was attended by full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Andrey Naumov
Andrey Naumov gave a lecture on the topic “Optics, spectroscopy and photonics: history, achievements, prospects.” The lecture was accompanied by demonstration experiments conducted together with K.A. Magaryan.
We invite applicants to a new programm! Specialty 03.03.02 – PHYSICS, Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU), Institute of Physics, Technologies and Information Systems…
Belotelov Vladimir Igorevich with the talk about “Ultra-fast optical spin control in magnetic nanophoton structures”
The LPI RAS delegation was attended by the head of LPI RAS, branch in Troitsk Namov A.V. and the head of department of Technopark Zalygin A.V., as well as students…
On May 20, 2024, a defense of the candidate dissertation on the physics of condensed matter by Natalia Pavlovna Kovalets was held at the LPI RAS…
Alexader S. Shelkovnikov with the talk about “Electron-beam lithography: history, current state, and development prospects in Russia”
Vera A. Mozhaeva with the topic Methods of spectroscopy of combined light scattering to identify protein toxins
New article was published in the Russian version of the journal Russian Chemical Reviews as part of the thematic issue and is available to the public access…
The conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Gagarin Y.A. was held on April 20, 2024 at the Pushkov Gymnasium
The awarding ceremony was held on April 19, 2024 in the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the participation of President Gennady Krasnikov…
On April 17, 2024, a general meeting of professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences was held, at which A.V. Naumov made an overview report…
There will be presented original growth technologies of A2B6 compound monocrystals from the vapor phase, based on which the following…
On April 15, 2024, the defense of the candidate dissertation of Savostianov A.O. on the specialty 1.3.6 – OPTICS.
LPI RAS took part in the 18th International specialized exhibition of laser, optical and optoelectronic equipment “Photonics. World of Lasers and Optics”…
Speaker: Vladimir L. VelichanskyTopic: Double-frequency intradoppler spectroscopy of alkali metal atomsAbstract: In communication and navigation systems, there is a growing demand for compact frequency standards. In some countries, this challenge is addressed by using microwave standards based on the coherent population trapping (CPT) effect, the long-term stability of which is difficult to improve. Recently, two research directions Read more about Workshop LPI RAS, Branch in Troitsk 02.04.24.[…]
The report “On joint projects of the LPI RAS, Branch in Troitsk and the Petrovsky Russian Scientific Center of Surgery” was presented by the Andrey V. Naumov…
At the Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences was held a scientific workshop that discussed the dissertation of Savostyanov A.O.