October 13, 2017


Andrey Naumov: Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of the leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation in the section “Physical Sciences”. Project NSH-776.2022.1.2."Leading scientific school: Optical-spectral nanoscopy of quantum objects and diagnostics of promising materials. 2022-2024.

Andrey Naumov : The Russian scientific Foundation (RSF) No. 20-12-00202 dated 05/20/2020 "Spectroscopy and luminescent nanoscopy of promising materials with a perovskite structure"

Kamil Karimullin: Russian President's grant for state support of young scientists-candidates of Sciences № МК-342.2017.2 "Nanocomposites with semiconductor quantum dots: study by means of selective selective laser spectroscopy with high time-domain and spatial resolution"

Ivan Eremchev: Russian President's grant for state support of young scientists-candidates of Sciences № МК-2184.2017.2 "Luminescent microscopy of ultra-high resolution with single semiconductor quantum dots"

Alina Golovanova: Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) No.20-02-00871 "Structural characterization of porous materials with submicron spatial resolution using fluorescent nanoscopy" (2020-2022)

Andrey Naumov: A grant from the Department of Education and Science of Moscow aimed at the formation and development of competencies for personal and professional growth of young people. "Research holidays" at the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2022.

Andrey Naumov: A grant from the Department of Education and Science of Moscow aimed at the formation and development of competencies for personal and professional growth of young people. "Cooperation of the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences with schools in Moscow within the framework of the project of pre-professional education "Academic class in Moscow school" 2022."

Kamil Karimullin: Russian President's grant for state support of young scientists-candidates of Sciences № МК-2328.2014.2 "Selective laser spectroscopy of promising materials for quantum optics, organic photovoltaics and molecular electronics".

Kamil Karimullin: Grant of the Russian Foundation for basic research RFBR. Program "Competition of scientific projects carried out by leading youth groups" № 15-32-21100 (2015-2016) "Spectroscopy and fluorescence nanoscopy of materials and nanostructures, promising for applications of nanooptics"

Maxim Gladush: Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) № 16-02-01174 "Study of optical properties of single quantum emitters and their ensembles in dielectric media at the influence of laser radiation"

Andrey Naumov: grant from the Department of Education and Science of Moscow aimed at the development of the project "Academic class in a Moscow school "Joint project research work of Moscow schools with the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences"" 2019.

Ivan Eremchev: The Russian scientific Foundation (RSF) №17-72-20266 "Experimental and theoretical study of the effect of dipole-dipole interaction on the radiative properties of a single pair of quantum dots"

Andrey Naumov: The Russian scientific Foundation (RSF) № 14-12-01415 "Statistical methods for studying the luminescence of single nanoobjects: fundamental aspects and application of spectromicroscopy of single molecules and quantum dots in materials science and nanotechnology"

Andrey Naumov: Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) № 17-02-00652 "Diagnostics of local fields and micro-refractometry with using methods of spectromicroscopy of luminescing single molecules and semiconductor quantum dots"

Andrey Naumov : A grant from the Department of Education and Science of Moscow aimed at the development of the project "Academic class in a Moscow school". Event name: "Joint project research work of Moscow schools with the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences"" 2020.

Andrey Naumov: A grant from the Department of Education and Science of Moscow aimed at the development of the project "Academic class in a Moscow school". The name of the event: "Academic class at the Moscow school": additional education of teachers" 2021.