The All-Russian Forum “Young Scientists of Pedagogical Universities – for Technological Sovereignty of Russia” held at the Main Building of MPSU on February 16th. It was the final event of the Russian Science Week in pedagogical universities.
The main goal of the event was to demonstrate scientific achievements and prospects for the development of pedagogical universities contributing to the country’s technological sovereignty.
During her presentation, Tatiana Egorova emphasized the necessity of cooperation between pedagogical universities and the Russian Academy of Sciences.
As part of the opening of the forum Sergey Kravtsov awarded young scientists from pedagogical universities. Among them were our colleagues representing MPSU.
Gratitude from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for their pursuit to scientific research and promising research results was received by:
– Tatiana Egorova, candidate of biological sciences, head of the youth laboratory of biophotonics and nanoengineering (researching the ability of nanoparticles to penetrate deep into biological tissues, which is a powerful tool for diagnosing and treating oncological diseases);
– Konstantin Magaryan, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, director of the educational and scientific center for spectroscopy of complex organic compounds (studying new promising materials of photonics and quantum optics);
Andrey Naumov also participated the award ceremony – head of the theoretical physics department named after Edwars V. Shpolsky, head of the laboratory of physics of advanced materials and nanostructures at MPSU, corresponding member of the RAS.
The most active part of the forum was the science festival for schoolchildren (participants from 12 schools in Moscow and the Moscow region). Under the guidance of students from pedagogical universities and young teachers there were held master classes in physics, chemistry, biology, and other subjects, where schoolchildren communicated with future scientists and tried their hand at being researchers.
There also were other events as part of the forum, including a poster session by young scientists (with over 20 posters presented) and two sessions on “Scientific School in a Pedagogical University: Present and Future.” Andrey Naumov, corresponding member of the RAS, moderated the session on natural sciences.
Program of the session
See more information on the MPSU website
At the same time, an open day was held at IPTIS. There were presented educational programs and scientific areas. Participants of the event visited laboratories, observatories, technoparks, and quantum engineering centers.