Creation of Diamond Cluster in Russia: Discussions and Signing of Memorandum at Public Hearings.

The establishment of a diamond cluster in Russia was the subject of discussions during public hearings held at the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on April 26, 2023. Prominent leaders from scientific and educational institutions, as well as representatives from synthetic diamond production companies, took part in the event.

Academician Vadim Veniaminovich Brazhkin, the Director of the Institute of High Pressure Physics, delivered the most impactful presentation titled “Diamond Technologies and the Diamond Cluster of the Russian Federation.” The presentation covered the history of synthetic diamonds, their applications, and the anticipated prospects for their development.

Moreover, the event provided a platform for leaders from companies involved in the synthesis of high-purity diamonds, as well as the manufacturing of tools and microelectronics based on these diamonds, to share their insights.

Following the hearings, a memorandum outlining the establishment of a cluster dedicated to the synthetic diamond industry was signed by representatives of leading industry enterprises, scientific institutions, and educational organizations. Academician Vadim V. Brazhkin was elected as the Chairman of the Diamond Cluster and entrusted with the responsibility of forming an advisory board and presenting recommendations to the public based on the outcomes of the hearings.

In addition, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation proposed the organization of an annual scientific-practical conference focused on the development and implementation of diamond synthesis and processing technologies.