Meeting of the Scientific Council of the Moscow Pedagogical State University 02.10.23.

Rector of the Moscow Pedagogical State University Alexey V. Lubkov presented a Letter of Gratitude from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation to Andrew Naumov – corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the LPI RAS, branch in Troitsk, and head of the theoretical physics department named after E.V. Shpolsky at the IPTIS MPSU. This award was given in recognition of significant contributions to the development of scientific research and active participation in the university’s scientific life, as well as for assistance in solving the tasks entrusted to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

The Academic Council unanimously supported the decision to award the title of Honorary Professor of MPSU to Professor Oleg N. Korotaev, a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. This is the highest award given for outstanding achievements in scientific and pedagogical activities. Professor Korotaev has made a significant contribution to the development of physical and mathematical science and the training of qualified specialists.

Also it was announced that Anna V. Golovanova was awarded a scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation. This prestigious award was granted as a result of a competitive selection and is a recognition of outstanding academic achievements and accomplishments in the field of science and education.

The meeting of the Scientific Council of MPSU was an important event for the university, emphasizing the significance of the scientific achievements and scientific activities of the university’s staff and students. The awards presented at this meeting are a recognition and encouragement of outstanding successes and contributions to the development of science and education.